Thursday, 28 January 2016


EFIL is a word with no meaning in the real sense but let's try reading it from right to left it becomes LIFE.
In this present world, life is interpreted as EFIL....It is a magic word that clearly unveils the hidden truth and activities of the world. The world has become the opposite reflection of what people think it is.

Let us take a little illustration to buttress this point:
Have you ever wondered why the simplest path is considered difficult by people and the difficult becoming more convenient? else why do people crave for shortcut which actually is even a longer route to destiny? They avoid the simplest path introduced to them by NATURE and work into the path of compromise, sacrifice, betrayer and destruction.

Have you wondered why the simplest people are considered difficult? No one wants to be cornered to a specific and systematic pattern of life; they prefer a life with no rule, no procedure, no focus which gives room for easy way to pain and even more difficult than their imagination. Whereas the simple being is always seen as difficult to be with.

Why do people consider the meek a fool in a generation like ours? why do people see the kind as an opportunity to intimidate and be taken advantage of? A world where the wicked gain a higher recognition and positioned in a place of value. A world where true Elite and unique Beings are considered weird and strange creature.

No one understand...No one understand the reflection of life as EFIL. The sanctity and values of life is gradually been washed away for promotion of that which is defiling and brutal. Tears and anguish has slowly taken over from sweetness and peace because no one sees nor understands the irony, all blind to its reality. No one care to know that this generation has chosen EFIL over life yet blame their mistake on life, they wonder why life seems up-side down to them. Yes... It is the irony of life. We dangle into a cage while trying to escape from the mansion we think as too locked up because we thought we should be free whereas we already had the freedom.

We do things that if we should pulse and reflect on seem so meaningless and pointless...Such an Irony! Life remains Pure, Simple and full of Sweetness if only you can see that it is a one-way route. Yes, it requires alot of sacrifice but far better and easier compare to any shortcut or EFIL. The sacrifice paid for life is always recycled as an advantage for you in climbing to the next stage but the sacrifice paid for EFIL will always leave a scar that will always be regretted forever.

EFIL is meaningless and will remain meaningless but disastrous to the generation until the error is corrected, until it is read from right to left. But the truth is: The irony cannot be corrected by the generation but you and I must open our inner eyes to avoid the danger. We must open our understanding, embrace the life with meaning and correct our mistakes so we can enjoy its sweetness. Life is what we need, it is the reason for our soul, our dream and our destiny, therefore; we must embrace it.

By:- Peace Eze


As I moved round with nature, I observed different kind of romance, it was indeed surprising:

First, I observed lovers with so much passion and affection for each other, it was indeed romantic, and I felt like wow! This is a match made in Heaven....not too long, to some before marriage and to some, after marriage they became worst enemies...then I asked NATURE, what happened? He smiled and said "That wasn't LOVE"

We moved further and behold another Kind; this was quite a funny observation. I saw a fellow struggling and desiring another fellow whereas the desired fellow was desiring another who was also desiring another. I named it a chain-reaction love. It was baffling and then i asked NATURE...What is the cause? He smiled and said "Error".

Another observation I hated most, a fellow who did everything and was even willing to give his life just to win love, with much effort succeeded in winning the heart of the desired fellow, just soon after getting the affection he wanted became eager to experience another relationship and affection.
I said to nature..."What is this?" He said "Error"

I got frustrated, wanting to know the cause of all these...I said to Him, then what is LOVE?
He drove me down to the mountain and said:

Nature: Look over there, what did you see?
Me: A tree
Nature: Look again...
Me: A huge tree with green leaves
Nature: Good! I wanted you to notice the green leaves. You asked me a question, you said; what is love?

Love is living, anything living has life and anything with life grows. Then I recalled my secondary school biology (WHAT IS A LIVING THING?).
He went further....Love as a living being feeds and reproduce. Just as the tree depends on it roots for survival, love depends on its root/sources( THE LORD OF NATURE). You patiently nurture/water it and watch it grow, to some, it grows faster (2-6months) to some it takes time (7months above), and all depends on the nutrient (Virtues) you give to it. There is nothing as love-at-first-sight.

The problem with the first observation is that most fellow are inpatient to the process of LOVE, people want what they can’t give. You can’t get what you are ignorant of. There are various misinterpretations of love but the best way to describe its feature is PASSION + FRIENDSHIP + COMMITMENT + INTIMACY. When one of this is subtracted from the original it becomes either LUST or INFATUATION.
Though in rare occasions we find LUST or INFATUATION developing into LOVE, and that’s when the right thing is done, that is feeding it with the right minerals; just the same way a dying tree can be nurtured into a healthy tree. Today most lovers ignorantly allow their love life to become deficient of these valuable love minerals.

Back to your observation (you referred to as chained reaction love). It takes maturity to understand what love is and to breed love. Loving the wrong person is like planting a tree on an infertile soil. Yes, you create love by giving love, but in the process of creating love, you must be sensitive to poisonous substances that could hinder the growth.

Most people believe, love cannot die, and out of ignorant had suffered huge defeat. If love is living, then it is subjected to death. The only one who cannot die is the LORD OF NATURE Himself, therefore as long as your love is connected to the source it keeps living on.

Another thing one must take into consideration is to ensure your love life doesn’t go ill, subjecting your love life to illness without proper care and attention could also destroy love. It is therefore your primary responsibility to constantly check if your love affair is sick or healthy by observing the four nutrient/features earlier mentioned. Don’t allow things to get worst before making amend otherwise you might end losing it all.

For more insight, you can send comment which will be treated.

Always there for you,

By:- Peace Eze


Is beauty all about the package of my look? Is it when my face captures the
attention of your heart? Or when my appearance meets the desires of your heart?
Perhaps, it is when I climb to the utmost height in my career pursuit and my pocket is rich to meet your wants.
Beauty is divine. She is from God, she is the utmost reflection of a pure heart in its magnificent form, she is a unique package of holiness, virtue and a refined form of character.
She is a price given by the Lord of Nature to those who patiently and obediently adhere under His strict teachings of life.
She is a trait of true Nobility. Just like LOVE, she is also counterfeited,
the world might chase after shadows desiring beauty but only those who
acknowledge her Lord can find her.

By:- Peace Eze


Those who think they are smart are usually 90% opposite of the word “SMART”
During one of the exams when attempting my first GCE, I was seated in the midst of my elder sister and a boy, this boy was really smart copying from a huge textbook and was not noticed. The exam was really tough and we wish he could let us have some benefit of what he copied. Noticing how enticed my sister and I were, he decided to offer us this huge text book. I was scared and refused to accept it but my sister insisted that I collect the book. As soon as I collected and opened the text book, I was caught.
Another instance was during my NECO exams, the invigilators were quite weak that the hall was engaged with different types of exam mal-practices; I decided to join the train one faithful day, the moment I brought out my own material I was noticed by the invigilator. Then I remembered my experience during my GCE and said to myself “I AM NOT LUCKY”

The truth is that: I wasn’t unlucky but favoured by Nature. Every cheat in life has its price to pay at the long run. Nature doesn’t want me to suffer from the wicked consequences people bring to themselves in the name of been smart.
There are times in life your ways seem like you suffered for your sincerity and integrity , but that’s just Nature’s way to either teach you something or lead you to a much higher level. It is quite unfortunate that most people gave up their virtue after experiencing Nature’s sincere training, reason why you find people making wrong decision after suffering from one or two experience(s).

It will surprise you to note that Nature doesn’t give out her treasures in an easy way, you will be tested and found worthy to carry such treasure before she hands it over else you abuse it.
You can’t bend Nature’s rule, you can’t out-smart Nature, all you can do is patiently submit and get the reward. Tell me one thing you cheated on and I will give you 90 things you’ve lost.
I don’t know the wrong decision you’ve made due to ugly experiences, believe me, it doesn’t worth you compromising, open your eyes and mind and you will understand that such ugly situation was destined to propel you for a next level.

The sword of life can be handled only by those who can whirl it, the more submissive you adhere to life training the quicker your chances of getting stronger and secured. You cannot engage in such training without having a sword mark.

By:- Peace Eze


Sometime ago, a lady gained access to my room with her 8-7months old baby. On entering, she noticed the large postal of nature with the picture of a tiger by the side of my bed, decorated such that it appears real and huge like a life tiger. She shouted:
Lady: Aunty Peace, what are you doing with a tiger on your bed?
Me: It’s just an image
Lady: Why such image? it’s scaring. What if suddenly; it comes out in the middle of the night and attacks you?
Me: It can’t attack me, it’s just an image, and it’s lifeless. Even if she comes out, she then might need my warmth touch.
Lady: Ah! Aunty Peace.

But I noticed something interesting, while she complained; her little baby was attracted by the awesome look of my tiger, on noticing that, I carried him from the mama and placed him on my bed. The baby struggled to find his way to my tiger but could not balance himself on the bed, so I supported and watch him play with the image. I said to the mama “Your little baby who cannot even speak recognize something you cannot recognize”.

Every time I look at the face of my lovely tiger, I got different messages and inspiration which are:
The tiger has a great emotion which steers up her energy. Emotion is a weapon which elevates and destroys depending on how well and effective you manage it.
One unique way to manage emotion is to consider enemies as rivals. You need enemies as well as you need friends to climb through your stairs of success. While the friends give their warmth support, cheering and encouraging you, the enemies help finding faults to use against you. Understanding this helps you take advantage of their weakness by identifying your fault(s) through them and developing them to get a better you.

The tiger is one animal that spend time thinking huge times ahead of other animals. They focus on achieving what they desire and their vision is centered on different way to get what they want. 
How many people still spend time visualizing and creating ideas? how many people understand that brain and strategies (wisdom) elevates?

Another thing I see in the face of a tiger is gentleness, looking easy, worrying for nothing, calm and steady.
Do you know you need not to be aggressive; else you get disorganized and completely loose balance. You need completely calmness and focus to drive to success. Don’t rush, think well, speak less and take it one-at-a-time. 
Watching documentary about the tiger, I noticed that she has a calm walking movement, yet one of the fastest runner among creature.
You don’t need to run when you have no need for it, just be calm and save your energy for the right moment.

The tiger is quick to sound and sensitive to threats. They know when to attack and when to retreat. I give kudos to the introvert than the extrovert, reason been that your mouth cannot run the same with your brain. Try it; you don’t think when talking and you don’t talk when thinking. You need to quit one for the other.

Even though there is a limit between human (domesticated) and the tiger (wide), the tiger belongs to family among wide and is seen as a hero. As human, in your family among the domestic beings; how much do you apply some natural virtues for positive influence among your kind? Learn wisely.

By:- Peace Eze


Life is spiritual and flexible. To live to the fullest you must learn to see beyond the physical and be flexible enough to flow according to the trend.
Let's take a look at few natural elements, a look at any plant for instance, no one can tell the direction in which it will spread its leaves until it's fully grown.

Same applies to the wind, until it begins to blow, no one can predict its direction.
Life is a journey every one pass through, no one can predict its outcome but to have a fulfilled and happy life, you must follow the "the rules of life", i call it "The A Principle".

Accepting who you are and where you come from helps you understand your purpose in life and accepting that life is under the control of the creator will help guide your every move towards submitting to the master's will.

Acknowledging that everyone is born for the service of humanity. It's quite unfortunate that most people forget that they were introduce to life for service which is why people only care for themselves. The earth exists before humans, therefore as stranger on earth we are called to serve the landlord we came to visit. How you end you life is determined by the path you choose. You choice towards the path of life cannot alter the existence of life but can only affect you and those around.

Everything with excellence is attached to effective and efficient book record. Today people only concentrate on achieving success in finance, but life is beyond financial gain only. Your personal, spiritual and everything about your existence must be accounted for. Anywhere there is no account is prone to failure. At every stage in life, there is always a panel for accounting. 
If you ever had the opportunity to witness the last moment of any man, you will observe that at their last moment, all he does is reflect back on how he spent his life and wish he could do better in some areas.

You must learn to adapt to changes positively. Everything in life is subject to change therefore to excel, you must be flexible enough either by building up yourself to suit change or by building up your mind to accept the changes.

A heart of gratitude worth wonders. Learning to appreciate life itself gives you the room to see the good in life for your advantage. In every situation you find yourself, if positive be grateful and press forward, if negative do not complain but exercise your inner eyes to see reasons why you should be happy inside that negative situation, this gives you greater energy to forge ahead.
If your ways are sincere and motive pure, there is no negative situation that comes around you which is not channeled for good.
By:- Peace Eze

Wednesday, 27 January 2016


These are two different words used interchangeably. They are both energies with different route.

Determination is pushing forward and never giving up on your pursuit/goal/ambition. It recognizes the fact that Success is One-way route and presses harder to attain it. With this energy; You rise again and again even when you fall again and again, never wanting to compromise but with your head up high; your dignity maintained and your strength asmotivation and encouragement to those around. When you get to a certain stage, you take a pulse and continue pressing for the next.

Desperation is also pressing forward, wanting to attain a goal but with an energy to compromise. You do anything to get what you want against moral value, not minding your dignity. This is where you find people with the thought ''i must get it any how''. You render yourself vulnerable to be used, those around you sees you as pathetic and feels the need to take advantage of your pathetic situation.

Another difference between determination and desperation is their nature of flexibility and rigidity. A determined fellow has a flexible emotion which allows him to pursue destiny in a modest and gentle way with the willingness to retreat when necessary, perhaps try using another approach with persistence but not giving up.

Desperation has a rigid emotion, not willing to retreat but with the motive of having IT at all cost. The vision of a desperate fellow is always too shortsighted to see behind-the-box, therefore they stop at nothing but betraying their conscience.

As much as determination and desperation aims at achieving a goal (success) the success obtain through desperation is synonymous to a sugar cube exposed to ants, even though it's celebrated, such fellow is locked up with sadness him alone feels.

It is important to check ourselves and be sure we are not desperate but determined to fulfill destiny.

By:- Peace Eze


My journey to earth was the intention of the Master (Lord God of Nature) to fulfill His will, even though he gave me the freedom and room to decide which path I follow, he placed in position opportunities to help guide my path. Knowing fully well that my decision and choice of path is dependable on the kind of family and environment I grew up, He introduced me to the best family and best environment that could impact on me the necessary virtues I need.

I accepted my fate on my very first day on earth with my cry which was my only means of communication and grew under the loving care of my parents especially my mother who gave me her undying love and attention. Her sensitivity to watch me closely not to be consumed by my actions of wanting to understand the world was a plus. Seeing her attend to my very needs even when she could not understand my language (cry) and when there was no much in the house was the foundation of love she introduced to me.

When I grew up as a teenager, each time she got offended by my dad, she waits for my return to report his action, the amazing thing is; upon asking my dad about his action, he either give reasonable excuse and promise never to repeat or deny completely. My Dad was the head of the house, yet his loyalty to me made me so proud of myself. Initially; I thought it was a privilege as the first child but later got to understand that it is just pure exhibition of LOVE. A genuine love from a father (the head of family) to a child made him so humble to respect the frown of his child. I got a full knowledge and demonstration that love is humility, attention, meekness and respect.

Loving a child is the most valuable gift to help understand and live by the virtue of life. The family and society owe every child the responsibility of love. How much love we give to the children around us is determinant of the person they become. Parent alone are not the only persons to help train a child, the society too has huge role to play. Training a child is building a Nation. The children are the future, loving them is simply teaching them how to love.
Do not underestimate the power of LOVE to the children. Understanding love is; understanding sacrifice, patience, risk, and not-giving-up. These are basic knowledge for life excellence. So therefore; impact into every child this basic knowledge to build a loveable nation.

Love is my fate, it is my power, it is my will and my destiny.


By:- Peace Eze


There is an eye which is far beyond the two ordinary physical eyes. An eye with the potentials to see the future, I call it the THIRD EYE. The third eye focus on the future, it is an eye of sensitivity, an eye with great powers to see far what the physical eye cannot see.

The physical eye is used to see the present unlike the third eye which is use to project into the future. The Third Eye is one unique weapon given to few unique beings by the Lord God of nature. It has its component like the physical eye which is listed below:

VISION (Having a clear goal) is one component of the Third Eye with a synonymous function of the Cornea - a component of the physical eye. Vision enables you to have a balance and proper plan, helping the Third Eye to gain balance and protection.

FOCUS is another component of the Third Eye which serves the function of the Sclera (the white part of the human eye). It gives structure and safety and ensures that the Third Eye is free from distraction.

IMAGINATION serves the role and function of the Pupil and Iris which gives light to the eye and allows the eye to project further. Imagination adds beauty and colour to Third Eye, giving it inspiration to see ahead.

WISDOM is the component of the third eye which plays the function of the Retina (lens), with ability to capture object. Wisdom allows future images and pictures to be captured and seen on a close range

ATTENTION is like the nerve or tissue of the human eye called the Conjunctiva. It helps the third eye to receive messages coming from other components of the Third Eye.

The Third Eye is not common to everyone but very powerful than the Two Physical Eye as your action and success depends on it.
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By:- Peace Eze


The two love birds are unique birds often used to symbolize soul mate relationship or strong images of love. Going through my research, the love birds unlike most birds are monogamous in Nature with their habit of sitting beside each other cuddling one another, giving themselves warmth and comfort.

It is often the habit of we humans to seek and desire LOVE without understanding that love cost your time, commitment and the whole of you. Looking for a soul mate is searching for the other part of your soul which can only be fulfilled and accomplished by being your true you, with this; you stand the chance to posses the zeal of togetherness, intimacy, trust, loyalty and passion. The soul is real, to find its mate requires being real.
Nature has made it such that everyone was made to fit into the key sizes of his/her soul mate but we often walk away from this path due to greed, lust, pride and distractions. 

One unique feature of the soul mate is ability to read and understand each others though before it is expressed because their heart is true to each other and mind connected like a twisted electric copper wire. They are inseparable, and when faced with conflict or misunderstanding, they feel more hurt with the pain of staying separated than the cause of their quarrels, hence to stick looking for opportunities to get back together.

The love birds are known for the drive of dancing and playing around each other especially during courtship. Soul mate relationship is fueled with the habit of playing around each other to build room for intimacy and romance. It is clothed with an undying zeal of wanting to flow under the warmth embrace of your partner, wanting to feel the tender and loving touch as a boost of courage, strength and comfort.

Life is an opportunity, the chance of getting a soul mate is slim but if you desire it and choose to walk in the right path, you are honoured among beings. May the Lord of Nature direct your path in the search of a soul mate.

By:- Peace Eze


Passing through the Evergreen Green Fields of Reality, I pondered deeply, wondering in the fullness of my Imagination the invisible world of possibility, as i spread my Tentacles longing to reach out to My Dream Land.
Oh! What a land...With Brightness of Peace flashing through her like Springs of Fountains;
And tall Giant Trees of Productivity, nurturing souls and fulfilling the desires of Morality;
Spreading its branches of Shelter to the generation of Men.
A land formed beyond the reach of Carnality, blessed with the fertile soil of Service, Teaching and Healing.

My Dream Land… gifted with an Eye beyond the physical;
Sensitive to the Wonders of Nature and blessed with the wisdom of Creativity...What a rear privilege to rejoice at the imagination of the blessed land;
A land referred to as the Garden of Peace.
Yes! It is My Dream Land; Beyond the Spoil of Mankind;
Preserved by the Master with Powers to subdue Her Foes;
A Land with Energy forever ignited by the Spirit of Immortality and Knowledge of Divinity;
The Foundation of Her Building as deep as beyond Estimation;
Oh My Dream Land...I stretch forth My arms and behold the Garden Prince, smiling at me, when I gazed, His Eyes gushes out warmth of Passion and Comfort, and His hands was the Sword of Protection Whispering to My hearing the messages of Love;

Behind Him were the Princes and Princesses of Destiny;
Crowned with Virtue and Honour;
Surrounding Us was Multitude seeking Refuge. Oh! so Beautiful with Splashes of Light Radiating itself like Twinkling of the Stars.
My Heart melted with Tears rolling down my Eyes like Streams of Joy.
From afar was Dances and Jubilation, rejoicing at the beginning of a new Sun; when I turned, it was behold My Imagination.
I cried again-and-again and said to Myself ''It Is Not An Imagination But A Revelation''.
My Heart will Not stop, It will go on; Oh Yes...My Heart will go on bringing to Me the Realities of my Dream Land.

By:- Peace Eze


An unwanted Guest always knocking at the door of your heart, knocking at the wrong time when you feel the need to act the best way you want, when you feel the need to satisfy your emotion and desires. A voice so still, soft and gentle but speaks so harshly to stop you from walking out of range.
Most times you felt like not wanting to hear this voice which speaks contrary to your opinion, you wish you could be left alone by this voice even for just a moment so you can satisfy your angst and prove to your offenders you're not stupid, you wish you could prove your bravery and put the wicked in their rightful place.

There are times you had strategized in your imagination a perfect way to take revenge, a perfect plan to deal with offenders, you waited patiently for that perfect time only for that Little Voice to surface, telling you: Peace Be Still.
Sometimes you worked hard to raise some fund for a project, believing God to help with some certain amount to add to what you had; Suddenly appeared someone with an urgent and more crucial need which is half or one-third of what you've raised, and this Still Voice so unfair, asking you to sacrifice from the little with you; and then you give it out with a smile on your face but your heart is like: Why will you come to me at this time? 
In anger, you thought this still voice as unfair and unpleasant to hear.

Not everyone is privilege to hear this voice, not everyone understands when it speaks, except the Special's. You are Special to hear the Voice of Sacrifice urging you to let go so you don't get your honour soiled by mere fantasies. Even when you murmur to obey this voice, deep inside you is a smile of gratitude for guiding you and making you defend your virtue to mankind.

Those times you thought yourself as weak, you were actually brave. It takes bravery to pay the price of sacrifice which is most difficult; For every Sacrifice is a Crown. You are brave because you conquered the expectation of those who provoked your anger and waited to see your fierce reaction; You conquered those many thoughts flashing through your mind giving you thousand reasons why you must compromise; You conquered by suppressing your frowns with your precious Smile; You conquered the barrier and test to trample upon your honour.
Just listen, listen to that Little Still Voice... the voice of the Master... saying: Peace Be Still.

By:- Peace Eze

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Mask is any covering preventing people from noticing ones true identity. Everyone is endowed with some unique values or potentials but many are hindered from reflecting these potential and deprived from manifesting their true purpose on earth because they are veiled with a mask. Until this mask is unveiled, life becomes difficult to understand. There are huge cases of people without glimpse about the direction on how to go about their lives, they live be emulating other people’s way of life.

Everyone was created to be the best of him/her. You can only get to the horizon by been yourself. Nature has made you unique on your own path of destiny, anyone who tries to be you will only end up promoting you and depriving himself from sparkling like the bright star.
Mask could be referred to as laziness, pride, lust, fear, anger, self-centered habit, ignorance etc. This can only be unveiled by your self determination and perseverance with total submission to the Lord (God) of Nature.

There are huge benefits associated with unveiling the mask which are: Ability to get a clearer picture of who and what you are destined for; Becoming the best of yourself in your own world; You are endowed with new discoveries which is like fuel that ignite fire to transform you for the better. Any attempt to destroy you, will end up elevating you. Life with you is surrounded with an unending joy.

Life waits for no one, the earlier you decide to unveil the mask the better. Don’t end your life like many who passed away without fulfilling their true purpose. The mysterious thing about life is that: life is spiritual, whether you like it or not, you cannot add nor subtract from it existence, you can only add and subtract from yourself. Your refusal to impact on yourself will only defile you but not life itself.

Your journey to life is an opportunity which should be use wisely.

By:- Peace Eze
President - Royal Voice Int.


A man told his daughter and said “child, do you want to excel in life? Then look at the rainbow”. She wondered why the rainbow could reflect a whole life secret and remembered the saying: Say a wish, looking at the rainbow and it will be fulfilled. She kept wondering as she kept wondering and continue to wonder. I know someone reading this is also wondering why. Good news that have the answer.

The rainbow is made up of rays with 7 colours. The first three is what I call the “Giant colours” well taught of as “primary colours”.

The Blue Ray:- Is a symbolic ray for DIVINITY, which portrays life as SPIRITUAL and the fact that life goes beyond what we see. Blue colour represents our thoughts and mind to perform the extra-ordinary, as there are lots of opportunities beyond the ordinary. Looking at the ocean gives you a more insight on how our mind and thought could be transformed into spiritual wonders. The blue colour signifies calmness which goes along side with peace to get the required understanding on how to focus more on yourself to give you a relax view about life itself.

The Yellow Ray:-Is a symbolic ray for mental growth which we call WISDOM. Take a good look at the sun, a great source of energy to life itself. Wisdom gives huge energy to existence as it enables one to see through the direction of life. Just as the human body needs the eye to function well, life needs wisdom to be effective.

The Red Ray:-Is a symbolic ray for VITALITY which provides sustenance. Red colour represents our activities, action, passion and interest. The red ray of the rainbow informs us that life journey requires enthusiasm and that you don’t sleep and expect opportunities but you work to find opportunities.

The Orange Ray:- Is a symbolic ray for CREATIVE ENERGY. It is the combination of power behind the Red (Vitality) and Yellow (Wisdom). Having a clear imagination of what is obtainable from this combination is creativity, relief from idleness, balance and stability, research and joy. Life is beautiful itself with the wonders of the power behind the orange colour.

The Green Ray:- A symbolic ray for NATURE, Growth, Balance and life in its fullness, the igniting power of yellow (Wisdom) and blue (Spirit) is what defines life and Nature. The energy it portrays is: Harmony, affection, growth, balance, health and abundance. Looking at the trees gives me a more training on growth, nature and life.

The Indigo Ray:-The symbolic ray for INFINITY which amplifies the energy of the blue colour in a profound way. While the blue is calming, the Indigo is sedating. It portrays life as a bridge between finite and infinite and opens doors for mysteries. This is where we find the psychic ability, self- mastery and use of intuition.

The Violet Ray:- This rays signifies the Invisible. It is the combination of energy and power of both the red (Vitality) and blue (Spirit). An energy which occurs beyond the visible. In this regard; life could be seen existing as sorrow, love, healing, idealism, imagination and inspiration depending on your position at that time.

It is however clear that life itself is the total coming together and representation of these colours.

The rainbow colour is seen in different ways by different scholars and researchers having different purpose. To some, it is an opportunity to make a wish especially by lovers, to some (the bible scholars) it is a sign from the supreme one reminding the generation of his covenant to mankind. But to me; it is a teaching about life using the colour rays from the supreme one, the Lord of nature and Giver of life to the generation of men. 
I hope you utilize these teachings.

By:- Peace Eze